To: The Salem News
From: Senator Joan B. Lovely
Date: March 20, 2019
Thank you for editorializing (“Bring sunlight to the Statehouse,” March 15) about the importance of keeping the public informed about the goings-on in state government. I strongly second this perspective.
You note “lawmakers put together a committee to look at transparency on Beacon Hill and make suggestions. That group, Special Legislative Commission on Public Records, never made a report.” While technically correct, you unintentionally obfuscate what actually happened.
I proudly served on this commission. While the House declined to issue recommendations for a final report, the Senate nevertheless issued its own bipartisan report and recommendations, many of which the Senate adopted in its rules for the current legislative session. I urge you and your readers to review this report, linked at
I look forward to continuing to work with my legislative colleagues to promote good, transparent government in our commonwealth.