Senator Joan B. Lovely
State Senator
2nd Essex District
April 28, 2017
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Reported Favorably
(Boston) – Today the Massachusetts Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (S.1023/H.1038) was reported favorably by the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development.
“As the lead Senate sponsor on this piece of legislation, I believe it is imperative that we ensure pregnant workers, 40% of whom are primary breadwinners, the certainty that they are able to keep their jobs without worrying about the health of their pregnancies,” stated Senator Lovely.
Every day in Massachusetts, some pregnant workers face workplace discrimination. It is inexcusable that any pregnant worker is forced to choose between having a healthy pregnancy and keep a job when simple, affordable, reasonable accommodations exist.
This bill provides basic accommodations such as allowing for modified schedules, necessary transfers to safer and less strenuous positions, or more frequent restroom breaks. While most businesses already provide these low cost accommodations to their workers, some do not.
“It is unacceptable for pregnant workers to choose between healthy pregnancies and keeping jobs when there are low cost, reasonable accommodations available,” stated Senator Joan Lovely. “This is why I’ll continue to fight hard to ensure that the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act becomes law.”
We, as a Commonwealth, value equality in the workplace and a healthy work environment. This piece of legislation would ensure that employers are fair to pregnant workers so that they may continue to work while pregnant and provide the best life possible for themselves and their families.
“I’d like to thank all who testified in favor of the Massachusetts Pregnant Workers Fairness Act at the April 4th Labor and Workforce Development hearing, and to those who have worked alongside me to get the bill this far especially Representative David Rogers, MotherWomen, and Associated Industries of Massachusetts,” added Senator Lovely. “I look forward to working with them all to get this bill to the Governor’s desk in short order.”