Senator Joan B. Lovely
State Senator
2nd Essex District
January 29, 2015
Senator Lovely Named Senate Chair of State Administration Committee
(Boston) – Today Senator Lovely announced her appointment as Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. Senator Lovely will serve on a total of six committees in the 189th General Court, including three vice-chairmanships. Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg assigned the senate leadership and committee positions on Wednesday, January 21.
“I was very interested in chairing this committee and I’m grateful for the appointment,” said Senator Lovely. “I’m looking forward to leading the Senate’s legislative efforts on all matters concerning state administration.”
The committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight reviews all matters concerning competitive bidding on public contracts, public construction, open meeting laws, state regulations, state agencies, and lobbyists’ reporting laws. “Last session I worked extensively with the State Administration Committee on a variety of issues, including the Salem District Court conveyance, so I’m familiar with its work and the type of legislation it reviews,” said Senator Lovely.
Senator Lovely will also serve as Senate Vice-Chair on three committees: the Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse, the Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities, and the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government.
The Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance abuse focuses on behavioral health, drug detoxification, and mental illness. Senator Lovely served as the Senate Chair of this committee last session. “I am very pleased and honored to have the opportunity to serve on this committee for a second session,” said Senator Lovely. “I’m looking forward to building on the committee’s efforts from last session because there is still a lot of critical work to be done in these two areas.”
The Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities reviews matters concerning child welfare, juvenile justice, public welfare, and individuals with physical, developmental, or intellectual disabilities.
The Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government concentrates on enacting of special laws for a city or town, establishing economic, district and local planning commissions, determining rent control and zoning, and all matters concerning the various counties, former counties and regional government entities.
Senator Lovely will also serve as a member of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts, and Culture as well as the Joint Committee on Public Health. Senator Lovely was a member of both committees last session.
The Massachusetts General Court has 27 joint committees. All committees are bi-partisan and consist of members from both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each joint committee has a House and Senate Chair and Vice-Chair. The House of Representatives has not yet made its committee appointments for the 189th General Court.