Senator Joan B. Lovely
State Senator
2nd Essex District


February 21, 2023

Senator Joan Lovely Appointed Assistant Majority Leader and Chair of the Senate Committee on Rules 

BOSTON – On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, Senate President Karen Spilka announced the reappointment of Senator Joan B. Lovely to serve as Assistant Majority Leader and Chair of the Senate and Joint Committee on Rules. Senator Lovely served in both of these positions during the 192nd Session and served as the Chair of the Temporary Senate Committee on Rules in developing the Senate’s Senate and Joint Rules packages for the 193rd Session. 

“I am deeply honored to be named Assistant Majority Leader and Chair of the Senate Committee on Rules,” said Senator Joan B. Lovely (D-Salem). “I would like to thank Senate President Spilka for her leadership and continued confidence and trust in me. I look forward to leading this Committee and working with my Senate colleagues to ensure transparency, accessibility, and equity remain at the forefront of the Senate’s policies and procedures, and that the needs of all our residents are being met.”   

Senator Lovely will proudly serve on three additional Senate Committees this Session: the Senate Committee on Ethics, the Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change, and the Senate Committee on Juvenile and Emerging Adult Justice. 

She will likewise serve on two Joint Committees: as Senate Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight, and as a Member of the Joint Committee on Agriculture. 

The Massachusetts General Court has 55 total Committees. All Committees are bipartisan and will hold hearings throughout the Legislative Session and solicit public testimony to deliberate the movement of bills. 
